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Thread: Select all tables "*" in Oracle with dbSQL Command

  1. #1
    Nick Matteucci Guest

    Select all tables "*" in Oracle with dbSQL Command

    Trying to do a Mydb.dbSQL="*" in Oracle and get the message:

    ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record.

    I tried SCHEMA.* and Select * from DBA_TABLES WHERE OWNER = 'ISM' and neither works.

    Any advice?

    Thank you


  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    Select all tables "*" in Oracle with dbSQL Command (reply)

    Post you code, the exact code that fails !!


    Nick Matteucci at 12/7/99 5:26:38 PM

    Trying to do a Mydb.dbSQL="*" in Oracle and get the message:

    ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record.

    I tried SCHEMA.* and Select * from DBA_TABLES WHERE OWNER = 'ISM' and neither works.

    Any advice?

    Thank you


  3. #3
    Nick Matteucci Guest

    Select all tables "*" in Oracle with dbSQL Command (reply)

    Here is the code:

    <%Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;aspDB.EP&#34
    Mydb.dbDSN=&#34;DSN=local; UID=scott; PWD=tiger;&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit= &#34;1&#34; &#39;Unique page identifier: Obj.dbUnit=integer
    Mydb.dbDBType = &#34;Oracle&#34; &#39;Database type: Obj.dbDBType=&#34;ACCESS(def)|SQL|ORACLE[,server]|SYBASE| FOXPRO|EXCEL|TXT&#34;
    Mydb.dbMode=&#34;Both&#34; &#39;Set mode and relationship between Grid and Form: Obj.dbMode = &#34;Grid | Form | Both | Dual | Dual=Horiz&#34;
    Mydb.dbSelectFrom=True &#39;Select from: Obj.dbSelectFrom = True | False (def=true)
    Mydb.dbSuppressMsg=True &#39;Supress error messages: Obj.dbSuppressMsg = True | False (def)
    Mydb.dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;*&#34;
    tbl = Session(&#34;ASPW_table_name&#34
    If tbl <> &#34;&#34; and tbl <> &#34;Select * from ISM&#34; Then MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from &#34; & tbl
    MyDb.dbImageDir=&#34;images/&#34; &#39;Relitive path to images: Obj.dbImageDir = &#34;Dir Path&#34;
    MyDb.dbOptions = &#34;CloseConnection=True&#34;
    MyDb.dbTables = &#34;5,Choose a standard table or a type table from the database&#34;
    Mydb.dbNavigationItem=&#34; Next, Prev, Resetfilter, Add, Update, Delete&#34; &#39;List navigation items: Obj.dbNavigationItem = &#34; bottom ... add, delete, update, edit ...delete&#34;
    MyDb.DBColor = &#34;dedede,000000,dedede,black,white,,false,false &#34; &#39;Color Properties: Obj.dbColor=&#34;TableBG,HeaderFG,HeaderBG,TableFG ,horizontal stripes,vertical stripes,Formstripe,Transparency&#34;
    Mydb.dboptions=&#34;DateFormat=DD-MMM-YYYY,HeaderFontTag=Face=Tohoma Size=2,CellFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2&#34; &#39;Edit and view options: Obj.dbOptions = &#34;(;,)HeaderFontTag=XXX, CellFontTag=XXX *no color tag!*, ResBuffer=8000, NullShownAsBlank=False&#34;
    Mydb.dbNavigation=&#34;Top&#34; &#39;Placement of navigation icons: Obj.dbNavigation = &#34;none | bottom | top | both&#34;
    Mydb.dbEditParams = &#34;Size200=2x35,InputSize=5x33, Tablename=&#34; & tbl & &#34;,BookMarkFlds=0,TableTag=BORDER=0&#34; &#39;Establish edit table, keys, and other edit parameters: Obj.dbEditParams=&#34;(;,)Tablename, TableTag, EditCol, InputSize, BookMarkFlds, LinkFlds, RecordScope&#34;
    Mydb.dbEditFlds=&#34;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,3 0,31,32,33,&#34;
    MyDb.aspDBEP &#39;End of ASPdb methods%>

    Frank at 12/7/99 8:03:03 PM

    Post you code, the exact code that fails !!


    Nick Matteucci at 12/7/99 5:26:38 PM

    Trying to do a Mydb.dbSQL=&#34;*&#34; in Oracle and get the message:

    ADODB.Field error &#39;800a0bcd&#39;

    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record.

    I tried SCHEMA.* and Select * from DBA_TABLES WHERE OWNER = &#39;ISM&#39; and neither works.

    Any advice?

    Thank you


  4. #4
    Nick Matteucci Guest

    Select all tables "*" in Oracle with dbSQL Command (reply)

    Here is the code. We tried many combinations and still could not get the system to pull the tables.

    <%Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;aspDB.EP&#34
    Mydb.dbDSN=&#34;DSN=local; UID=scott; PWD=tiger;&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit= &#34;1&#34;
    Mydb.dbDBType = &#34;Oracle&#34;
    Mydb.dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;*&#34;
    tbl = Session(&#34;ASPW_table_name&#34
    If tbl <> &#34;&#34; and tbl <> &#34;*&#34; Then MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from &#34; & tbl
    MyDb.dbOptions = &#34;CloseConnection=True&#34;
    MyDb.dbTables = &#34;5,Choose a standard table or a type table from the database&#34;
    Mydb.dbNavigationItem=&#34; Next, Prev, Resetfilter, Add, Update, Delete&#34;
    MyDb.DBColor = &#34;dedede,000000,dedede,black,white,,false,false &#34;
    Mydb.dboptions=&#34;DateFormat=DD-MMM-YYYY,HeaderFontTag=Face=Tohoma Size=2,CellFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2&#34;
    Mydb.dbEditParams = &#34;Size200=2x35,InputSize=5x33, Tablename=&#34; & tbl & &#34;,BookMarkFlds=0,TableTag=BORDER=0&#34;
    Mydb.dbEditFlds=&#34;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,&#34;
    MyDb.aspDBEP &#39;End of ASPdb methods

    Frank at 12/7/99 8:03:03 PM

    Post you code, the exact code that fails !!


    Nick Matteucci at 12/7/99 5:26:38 PM

    Trying to do a Mydb.dbSQL=&#34;*&#34; in Oracle and get the message:

    ADODB.Field error &#39;800a0bcd&#39;

    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record.

    I tried SCHEMA.* and Select * from DBA_TABLES WHERE OWNER = &#39;ISM&#39; and neither works.

    Any advice?

    Thank you


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